The Open Source of Hovering Ideas

Posts tagged “Creativity

Sketching The Empress of Tomorrow

So WrestleMania weekend has already started. And I’m already hyped for that. Apart from huge expectations of 5-star matches from the my all-time favorites like- The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho etc. and new ones like- Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor etc., I’ve especially have my eyes on this amazing female competitor named Asuka.

This woman is one hell of badass wrestler I’ve ever seen so far. From her strength to character, it’s AMAZING. It is always delightful to see her matches in the squared circle. And besides, I mean just look at her. Isn’t she colorful and badass at the same time?


And her signature mask is also amazing.


Therefore, In order to collaborate two above pictures with the twist of my imagination. I opened up that same ole sketching app and started doodling once again. And after 20 minutes of patience, I ended up making this masterpiece.

Asuka Fan Art

And here’s the complete version, with her name on.

Asuka Fan Art (Complete)

Not sure about you guys, but I hope she will like it. 😛



P.S. I do know that “Wrestling is Fake”. But so do movies and TV shows are not real. It’s all about entertainment and your preferences on what you like to watch. Again, no judging here otherwise ASUKA’S GONNA KILL  YOU!! and I’m sure about that. 😛


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches


Straight Outta Production

Parody rap verse from “Straight Outta Compton” performed by “N.W.A”

You are now about to witness the Bakchodi of Software Development

Straight Outta Production
Crazy UI developer named “Ash Bee”, dude
From the team named “Coders with Attitude”
Projects I get involved, QA bugs got solved
Merge conflicts? and even they got resolved
You too, designers, if you f**kin’ confuse me
Even PMs are gonna come and get me
Clear Mockups, that’s what I’m looking out
And sensible use-case, consider that to show out
Git/Stash starts to mumble, JIRA wanna rumble
Sprint-wise, Every story and estimate crumbles.
Here’s my commit log to keep you dancin’
Subtle but scary like Marilyn Manson.
WebStorm IDE is the tool
Don’t make me use Sublime Text like a fool
My code’s running fine, and unit cases clearly
I’m knockin’ sprints out of box, daily
Yo weekly, monthly and yearly
With some awesomeness and creativity
DAMN Agile development, You can’t f**k with me.
So when I’m in your pull-request, your typo don’t suck
Coz’ my reviweing comments are lengthy as f**k
As I leave at 7 PM, believe I might be coding till midnight
but when I come back next day 12 noon approximately
It’ll be released “Straight Outta Production”.


Trip to the Mall.. Are you serious?

A lot of things have changed as soon as I’ve graduated and started working a full-time job. But since I’ve already explained in my previous post, so let’s cut to the chase. Whether it’s professional or personal, Life is stressful and you need to take a break sometimes.

And how about going to the mall for a while?

I know most of you people will say this idea something ridiculous and gonna suggest rather go somewhere outside the city, maybe even outside the country. I don’t mind. But to be honest, It’s still fine with me to go somewhere near and do something rather than doing absolutely nothing. And besides, I’ve having fun anyway. Isn’t that having enough purpose to travel and enjoy life? 😀

But that’s not the topic I wanna discuss here and go further on a debate about traveling places. Instead, I’ll be sharing a story here and my experience in visiting malls, which explains why I sometimes prefer to go to the mall whether I’ve a movie/hangout plans or not.

Most of you know that I love art. I often keep doing some artistic and creative stuffs. That’s explains much about my twitter handle. Right? 😛 However, I’ve been obsessed with mall art for a long time. It has its own charm, especially during special occasions. Apart from taking some pictures (maybe few selfies), I’ll mostly stand there for minutes gazing the pattern and detailing of the work. Even I might take some time for thinking about my own interpretation. I know it seems weird and it’s OK. But it is inspiring me to do some other things that I love. Hopefully, I’ll make an alternate career from it someday. 😉

Here are some pictures I took so far.

xmas light


yellow tree


And you can see further more in my Instagram account.

And here a bit of story for those who already got bored. I once went with my sister to the mall nearby few weeks ago. She took me to this Forever 21 store for her shopping, which I think most girls and women do have some kinda obsession (Not judging anybody here). But for a guy like me, It is bit stressful while helping her out and sharing my opinion on what suits her best (And now, anybody don’t judge me here too). Sometimes I might try to check something at the men’s section for myself meanwhile. But damn sure, my shopping will be over in 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile she’ll make me to wait for over half an hour and I always in search for some time-pass.

And outta nowhere, I noticed this mannequin somewhere near denim section. I suddenly reached to my smartphone, opened my favorite sketching app and started doing what I always like to do.

mall art

Close enough, huh? 😉 My sister was impressed with this artwork once she was done with her shopping. She eventually credited herself for bringing the creative side of mine.

I guess I should stop by to other Fashion stores often.

But with my sketching pens and painting brush next time. 😛

P.S. And for your fun pleasure, Here’s something my colleague has to share. Enjoy. 😛


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches



Welcome To My World

My Creative World


Muscle Wheelie

Heyy Guys !!

Few weeks back, I was studying Cryptography really hard for my upcoming Mid Semester College Examinations. Though it is a quite interesting subject, but I desperately needed a break for a while as I was cramming my notes for 4 hours non-stop. 😛

In order to kill the stress and produce some creativity, I started scribbling a small artwork (for which I am passionate of) on my Cryptography Book. I simply draw a cartoon of an American Muscle Car performing a Wheelie Burnout Stunt, with Ball Point Pen.

Take a look on the artwork, fellas.

Muscle Wheelie (Original)

Muscle Wheelie (Original)

Besides, I’ve got a Scanned Image of the above. Surprise !!

Muscle Wheelie (Scanned)

Muscle Wheelie (Scanned)



This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches


29 Ways to Stay CREATIVE

Well, I’ve just got a pretty interesting and DAMN inspiring thing on net, which I would like to share with y’all. Take a look on certain points to be CREATIVE and stay CREATIVE forever. 8)

29 Ways to Stay CREATIVE

There’s even a Motivational Video for the same. 🙂

It is indeed a good inspirational and motivation piece of work. It gives you some piece of mind for sure, and some effective ways to become CREATIVE, bringing your Talent and Skills. You could even discover more apart from the above after getting inspired from this piece of Work.

Well I’m going offline to get rid off my computer first, 😛 clean up my messy work-space for good, Write something CREATIVE again n’ again, Breathe some Fresh Air and enjoy the Sunshine. 8)

Hopefully you even would get inspired with all this stuff.

Pretty-Ugly Truth (Day 4 Of Truth)

The following Post is for accomplishing Creative Challenge called 30 Days of Truth, given by Kellie Elmore. It is a unique exercise in self exploration and learning to be honest with yourself… and that ultimately leads to happiness.

30 Days of Truth


Before getting started, I am gonna make things more clear about me.

I would like to tell y’all something. See, I am just a normal artist, not a Professional one. At this beginning stage, I usually refer different art-works from plenty of artists across the globe , for getting some inspiration over there. I try to draw them just to practice and improve my art skills, as I’ve left my art tools a long time ago. But since, I’m back on the track of my hobby, I’m acquiring all the tips and skills, which I’ve learned during my childhood days, practicing during my free times and even bringing something NEW from many artworks whatever I’ve seen in them.

I’d expected that people might already have got me without revealing the above. But still, I’ve mentioned just in case. See Folks, I don’t wanna call myself “An Art Counterfeit” and “An Art Stealer”, stealing arts of any random artist and taking the whole credit. I am just a Newbie as I’ve never professed myself as The Great One, just on a way to be a Professional Artist, without pretending like them. Even I’ve improvised many artworks, taking ideas from there, bring my creativity and concatenating them in a single piece of paper. I BRING IT this way, and eventually…..

This is how my Creativity speaks. 8)

For those criticizers who just still couldn’t understand me so far after this, all you could do always that, just flood my comments box and mail box without which negative and vulgar comments depicts your lame useless perceptions about me, give me threatening messages and try to make me out from here. But guess what, you’re WRONG !! See I don’t give a F*CK what you think about me. Even i don’t expect an apology from you douchebags.

I’ve plenty of people hanging around here in my Yard, who understand me damn well and know what I am. I neither need any fake sympathies and concerns nor harsh and shitty quotes from anybody.

But don’t worry, You’ll get a piece of mine sooner and even better. I Promise, I’ll bring it soon .

In the meantime,
Get a Life, you n00bs 😛


30 Days of Truth

The above Post was for accomplishing Creative Challenge called 30 Days of Truth, given by Kellie Elmore. It is a unique exercise in self exploration and learning to be honest with yourself…