The Open Source of Hovering Ideas


10 Must-Read Books for Geeks

Originally Posted : 10 Must Read Books for Geeks

In this two-post series, I will share my thoughts and recommendations on what I consider to be great books for the geek nation. I have paid attention to cover a wide variety of topics that fall into one large common category: technology. These must-read books can all be purchased online from Amazon.

iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It

iWozAuthors: Steve Wozniak, Gina Smith
Publisher: W. W. Norton
288 pages
Book homepage ($2.99)

If you want to understand how the Apple fairy tale began in the seventies, then iWoz is a must read. This is the personal story of Steve Wozniak, inventor of the Apple computer. This book explains the long process that led Wozniak to create the first affordable computer, how he met Steve Jobs, and how they founded the Apple empire. This easy-to-read book reveals a captivating story aimed at everyone interested by the debut of personal computing.

Showstopper! The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT and the Next Generation at Microsoft

ShowstopperAuthor: G. Pascal Zachary
Publisher: Free Press
312 pages
Book homepage

Showstopper is the story of Windows NT. How it all started as a command prompt OS and became a graphical user interface system following the success of Windows 3.0. The author takes you to the very heart of Microsoft’s project team where you’ll meet not only David Cuttler, the brilliant and brutal architect behind the operating system, but most of the engineers and project leaders involved in the development of Windows NT. See how some of the team members literally sacrificed their family and social life to make this thing work in time. While this is not a technical book, software developers as well as project leaders, and anyone interested by Microsoft products, will have a hard time pulling their eyes away from it.

The Ultimate History of Video Games

The Ultimate History of Video GamesAuthor: Steven L. Kent
Publisher: Three Rivers Press
624 pages
Book homepage

For you gamers out there, this is THE ultimate book to own. To understand where your favorite game console comes from, you need to know the story behind the pinball, the pong, and the development of the first consoles such as the Atari 4600. In this 624-page brick of a book, Kent covers all the angles, anecdotes and humorous stories, such as the rename of Puck-Man to Pac-Man to avoid an unfriendly rename starting with the letter “F”. Trust me, if you are either a passionate gamer or even a game developer, this is a must-have for your bookshelf.

The Google Story

The Google StoryAuthors: David Vise, Mark Malseed
Publisher: Delta
336 pages
Book homepage

This book takes you back to 1998 before the PageRank algorithm was born. Larry Page and Sergey Brin created Google while they were students at Stanford University. You’ll learn how the co-partners redefined Internet search and reinvented advertising, while creating one of the most influencing organizations of all time. Whether you are a web developer, an entrepreneur, or simply passionate about the Internet and Google products, you’ll find The Google Story to be an unstoppable page-turner.

Does IT Matter?

Does IT MatterAuthor: Nicholas G. Carr
Publisher: Harvard Business School Press
208 pages
Book homepage

Blinded by their arrogance and syndrome of God, too many IT managers are missing the whole point behind information and technology, which is to provide commodities, as Carr claims. IT must stop focusing on following technology and should realign its mission behind the concept of providing solutions to fulfill business needs. And just as the steam engine, railroad, telegraph and electricity, technology evolves to a point where manpower decreases substantially, and IT will be no exception. This is a must-read for high-level management! I recommend everyone involved in IT to keep this book on their bedside table.


On The Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore

On The Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of CommodoreAuthor: Brian Bagnall
Publisher: Variant Press
548 pages
Book homepage

Raise your hand those who once owned a Commodore 64? God, I would pay a lot of money to go back to the 1980s when the C64 was the king of the hill. This particular book, however, is not about hot rods. The story of Commodore is about very affordable family computers. This book starts at the very beginning of Commodore, when they acquired MOS Technologies, a semiconductor manufacturer, that lead to the development of the PET. Once the PET was history, then came the VIC-20, followed by the Commodore 64, which is known as the most sold computer of all time. The story even introduces the 128, the Amiga, and the end of Commodore. How could such a successful company fall so abruptly from the top of the world? This is what you will find out if you get yourself a copy of On The Edge. Definitely one to buy for the Commodore lover. And while you’re at it, check out this VIC-20 TV ad to remember the good old days.


HackersAuthors: Steven Levy, Steven Levy
464 pages
Book homepage

In this book, the word “hackers” does not refer to bad guys taking control of your Windows 98 PC or sending e-mail viruses. Hackers in this book are people who improved primitive systems by hacking electronics, thereby increasing their computing power and efficiency. In a period where computers were looked at like lab rats, university researchers and early developers such as Lee Felsenstein, Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak, pushed their limits and literally inspired what would be one day be seen as the computer revolution. Hackers offers a peek at a very formative time in geekdom and is worth reading no matter what year it is.

The Perfect Thing

The Perfect ThingAuthor: Steven Levy
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
304 pages
Book homepage

What’s the coolest gadget of the third millennium? The iPod, no doubt about it. This is one of the coolest books I’ve read in years. When you decide to write about such a cool thing, you need to deliver cool content, and Steven Levy does it amazingly. If you want to learn about the development of the iPod, how it changed Apple, the music industry, and the way consumers buy their favorite songs, then you need to get a copy of the perfect book: The Perfect Thing. Just check out how cool the book cover is!

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

WikinomicsAuthors: Don Tapscott, Anthony D. Williams
320 pages
Book homepage

The Web, and Web 2.0 in particular, has changed our lives and is currently changing our entire economy. New possibilities inspired by social network groups and mass collaboration are smashing down boundaries, creating endless new business models for Internet companies. This book will definitively change your thinking and enlighten you. If you still have a hard time picturing what the Web 2.0 is, read Wikinomics – once you’re done you’ll be a real Web 2.0 Ninja. Fabulous read, and a very popular title lately.

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs

The Second Coming of Steve JobsAuthor: Alan Deutschman
Publisher: Broadway
352 pages
Book homepage

This is the story of Steve Jobs, starting from the moment he was pushed away from Apple in 1985, and following his story until his return in 1996. During his leave of absence, Jobs tried to revolutionize education with the NeXT Cube, his startup that never made it big. On the side though, he purchased Pixar, the company behind Toy Story, from George Lucas himself, and literally made a fortune with something he couldn’t care less about. Finally, his journey with NeXT ended when the company was purchased by Apple in 1996, bringing Jobs back to his mother company, and the rest is history. The story of Jobs’ post-1985 Apple career is captivating, and the author brings you a very well-written book that’s entertaining from the first to the very last page.

This completes the 10 Must-Read Books for Geeks series. If you are tired of reading Danielle Steel, I guarantee you now have quite an exciting pile of geeky books on your bedside table.

Originally Posted : 10 Must Read Books for Geeks

The History Of Halloween

Halloween, a well known Festival to celebrate by all of us. It has become a tradition as well as trend, especially among the youngsters for a lot of time. Even adults alike enjoy this holiday today, with funny costumes, candy, and parties, while some countries observe this time as a remembrance of departed loved ones and religious saints. But there lies a History behind wearing Fancy Costumes and guising around the neighborhood for Trick-or-Treat.


It's that time of year once again, Halloween u...

It’s that time of year once again, Halloween ushers in the best holiday of the Holiday season! Taken at La Mesa Oktoberfest in 2007 but still relevant every Halloween. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


It was first originated in European Countries like – United Kingdom, Ireland, northern France by The Celts, around 2,000 years ago. They called ‘Samhain’ (pronounced as ‘snow-en’), which was celebrated at the end of the Celtic year i.e. on the night before (or simple say, the eve of) 1st November, signaled the end of summer, the harvest season, and even the death of Ancient Pagan Celtics. Samhain was considered a magical holiday, and a lot of stories were mentioned about the Celtics practice and beliefs during this festival. Some said the spirits of those that had died in that year, were unleashed and offerings of food and drink were left to aid the spirits in order to ward them away. While others and mostly said, they used to dress up in scary costumes and roam the neighborhoods making noise to scare the spirits away. A sacred, central bonfire was always lit to honor the Pagan gods. It was said that Fortunes were told by the sacred bonfire, and marked stones thrown into it. There was another custom to extinguish the home fires. Some say the reason home fires were extinguished is to scare away evil spirits from homes, while others say that home fires were supposed to be lit from embers from the sacred bonfire to start the New Year.


As far as “Trick-or-Treat” tradition came into this festival, it was originated by some of the Celts who wore costumes of animal skulls and skins and roamed around during Samhain, dressed as beggars asking for food door to door. Those that gave food to the faeries were rewarded by them, were punished otherwise.


Photo of a Halloween trick-or-treater, Redford...

Photo of a Halloween trick-or-treater, Redford, Michigan, United States. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Later in the First century A.D., the Roman Empire invaded most of the Celtic lands. The Romans had two festivals also celebrated for Pomona, the Roman goddess of trees and fruit, at the same time of year as Samhain. These were combined with Samhain in the Celtic lands during 400 years of Roman Reign over the Celts. Now that’s why, The apple (Symbol of Goddess Pomona) probably became the root of the Halloween tradition of bobbing for apples and other manipulations of the fruit which were thought to predict the fortuned future, on this night of Samhain.


As The Christianity had spread over the Celtic and the Roman regions over the next several hundred years, The Christian church disliked this festival and demanded a replacement. About in 835 A.D., Pope Gregory IV moved  the date of All Saints Day (honouring dead church saints and martyrs) to November 1, which probably took the attention away from the Pagan Samhain festival. However, many Pagan traditions of Samhain were still continued to be practiced. All Saints Day was also known as All Hallowmas in Old English. As Samhain was celebrated the eve night before November 1, this celebration was therefore, known as All Hallows Eve or Halloween. In the year 1000 A.D., the church designated November 2 as All Souls Day, to honour the death of non-saints.


Even “Jack o’lanterns” has a storyline from the past. In Irish myth, a drunker known as “Stingy Jack”, tricked the devil most of times in his life. But after his death, he was not allowed in heaven or in hell. However, The devil taking pity of Jack and gave him an ember to light his way on his eternal walks on Earth, carried in a hollowed out turnip. The Celtics used a hollowed out rutabaga to carry an ember from the sacred Samhain bonfire home to light their home fires.



Jack-o-lantern (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


This festival was not so popular in early United States history though, as it was considered mostly a Catholic, Episcopalian, and Pagan holiday, and therefore largely ignored. However, in the southern colonies, such as Virginia and Maryland, there were some traces of Halloween customs observed. They called it “play parties” where people neighborhoods celebrated together by dancing, singing, telling fortunes and even stories of the dead. By the mid 1800’s, most of the Irish immigrants, mostly Catholics brought many Halloween traditions with them. The pumpkin, which was very plentiful in the New World, became the face of Jack o’lanterns These holidays (Halloween and All Saints Day) were later being published on public calendars, magazines and newspapers, to publicize these festivals, which soon became popular in the United States more as a community and family holiday, rather than one of great religious and supernatural importance. As days passed by and the popularity increased in the twentieth century, they became highly community centered with parties city-wide, parades, and great costumes.


This holiday is mostly aimed to children, but still enjoyable young and old enjoy, with events and parties for everybody. A lot of teenagers and young adults get together wearing costumes of Ghosts, Gods, Action Heroes or even any Famous Celebrity and have a special Halloween Party whole night. In a nutshell, we all celebrate this spooky but special festival to amuse and scare children (and some adults) to get everybody in the “spirit” of Halloween.


English: Candy or trick . Svenska: Bus eller g...

English: Candy or trick . Svenska: Bus eller godis i Sverige. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Halloween Wiki Page :-


The History of Halloween :-


American Celebrate Holidays :-


The History and Customs of Halloween :-


Top 10 Technical Resume Writing Tips

Need help creating or updating your resume? It certainly can be complicated because your resume is going to be reviewed by software as well as by hiring managers. Review these top resume tips for choosing a resume format, selecting a resume font, customizing your resume, using resume keywords, explaining employment gaps, and more tips for writing interview winning resumes. Trust me it really worked well for me during my placement sessions and in future, and so do it would help you out in achieving success.

Let’s take a look on some of important tips and tricks to write a good enough resume:-

  • List your technical knowledge first, in an organized way. Your technical strengths must stand out clearly at the beginning of your resume. Ultimately, your resume is going to be read by a thoughtful human being, but before it gets to that point it often has to be categorized by an administrative clerk, and make its way past various sorts of key word searches. Therefore, you should list as many directly relevant buzz words as you can which reflect your knowledge and experience. List all operating systems and UNIX flavors you know.
  • List all programming languages and platforms with which you’re experienced. List all software you are skilled with. Make it obvious at a glance where your strengths lie – whether the glance is from a hiring manager, a clerk, or a machine.
  • List your qualifications in order of relevance, from most to least. Only list your degree and educational qualifications first if they are truly relevant to the job for which you are applying. If you’ve already done what you want to do in a new job, by all means, list it first, even if it wasn’t your most recent job. Abandon any strict adherence to a chronological ordering of your experience.
  • Quantify your experience wherever possible. Cite numerical figures, such as monetary budgets/funds saved, time periods/efficiency improved, lines of code written/debugged, numbers of machines administered/fixed, etc. which demonstrate progress or accomplishments due directly to your work.
  • Begin sentences with action verbs. Portray yourself as someone who is active, uses their brain, and gets things done. Stick with the past tense, even for descriptions of currently held positions, to avoid confusion.
  • Don’t sell yourself short. This is by far the biggest mistake of all resumes, technical and otherwise. Your experiences are worthy for review by hiring managers. Treat your resume as an advertisement for you. Be sure to thoroughly “sell” yourself by highlighting all of your strengths. If you’ve got a valuable asset which doesn’t seem to fit into any existing components of your resume, list it anyway as its own resume segment.
  • Be concise. As a rule of thumb, resumes reflecting five years or less experience should fit on one page. More extensive experience can justify usage of a second page. Consider three pages (about 15 years or more experience) an absolute limit. Avoid lengthy descriptions of whole projects of which you were only a part. Consolidate action verbs where one task or responsibility encompasses other tasks and duties. Minimize usage of articles (the, an, a) and never use “I” or other pronouns to identify yourself.
  • Omit needless items. Leave all these things off your resume: social security number, marital status, health, citizenship, age, scholarships, irrelevant awards, irrelevant associations and memberships, irrelevant publications, irrelevant recreational activities, a second mailing address (“permanent address” is confusing and never used), references, reference of references (“available upon request”), travel history, previous pay rates, previous supervisor names, and components of your name which you really never use (i.e. middle names).
  • Have a trusted friend review your resume. Be sure to pick someone who is attentive to details, can effectively critique your writing, and will give an honest and objective opinion. Seriously consider their advice. Get a third and fourth opinion if you can.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread. Be sure to catch all spelling errors, grammatical weaknesses, unusual punctuation, and inconsistent capitalizations. Proofread it numerous times over at least two days to allow a fresh eye to catch any hidden mistakes.
  • Laser print it on plain, white paper. Handwriting, typing, dot matrix printing, and even ink jet printing look pretty cheesy. Stick with laser prints. Don’t waste your money on special bond paper, matching envelopes, or any color deviances away from plain white. Your resume will be photocopied, faxed, and scanned numerous times, defeating any special paper efforts, assuming your original resume doesn’t first end up in the circular file.

Stay LAZY Achieve PLENTY

Referred from :- How to Accomplish More by Doing Less

In this modern era, everybody’s getting Workalcoholic these days. We have plenty of  Work to complete in a limited interval of Time. We feel some kinda burden or pressure while working, but still we move on as time doesn’t waits for everybody. We get things started with a pace. And after working continuously for hours, not even a bit time to rest, we end up with total exhaustion.

However, sometimes being Lazy or taking intervals in these hectic schedules, could make you to achieve even more than those who work relentlessly. Let prove this point by taking an example.

Consider two people of equal skill work in the same office. For the sake of comparison, let’s say both arrive at work at 9 am each day, and leave at 7 pm.

Bill works essentially without stopping, juggling tasks at his desk and running between meetings all day long. He even eats lunch at his desk. Sound familiar?

Nick, by contrast, works intensely for approximately 90 minutes at a stretch, and then takes a 15 minute break before resuming work. At 12:15, he goes out for lunch for 45 minutes, or works out in a nearby gym. At 3 pm, he closes his eyes at his desk and takes a rest. Sometimes it turns into a 15 or 20 minute nap. Finally, between 4:30 and 5, Nick takes a 15 minute walk outside.

Bill spends 10 hours on the job. He begins work at about 80 percent of his capacity, instinctively pacing himself rather than pushing all out, because he knows he’s got a long day ahead. By 1 pm, Bill is feeling some fatigue. He’s dropped to 60 percent of his capacity and he’s inexorably losing steam. Between 4 and 7 pm, he’s averaging about 40 percent of his capacity.

It’s called the law of diminishing returns. (i.e. the decrease in themarginal (per-unit) output of a production process as the amount of a single factor of production is increased, while the amounts of all other factors of production stay constant).

With reference to our example, Bill’s average over 10 hours is 60 percent of his capacity, which means he effectively delivers 6 hours of work.

Nick puts in the same 10 hours. He feels comfortable working at 90 percent of his capacity, because he knows he’s going to have a break before too long. He slows a little as the day wears on, but after a midday lunch or workout, and a midafternoon rest, he’s still at 70 percent during the last three hours of the day.

Nick takes off a total of two hours during his 10 at work, so he only puts in 8 hours. During that time, he’s working at an average of 80 percent of his capacity, so he’s delivering just under 6 ½ hours of work — a half hour more than Bill.

Because Nick is more focused and alert than Bill, he also makes fewer mistakes, and when he returns home at night, he has more energy left for his family.

It’s not just the number of hours we sit at a desk in that determines the value we generate. It’s the energy we bring to the hours we work. Human beings are designed to pulse rhythmically between spending and renewing energy. That’s how we operate at our best. Maintaining a steady reservoir of energy — physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually — requires refueling it intermittently. Work the way Nick does, and you’ll get more done, in less time, at a higher level of quality, more sustainably.

Create a workplace that truly values a balanced relationship between intense work and real renewal, and you’ll not only get greater productivity from employees, but also higher engagement and job satisfaction.

There’s plenty of evidence that increased rest and renewal serve performance.

Consider a study conducted by NASA, in collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration, of pilots on long haul flights. One group of pilots was given an opportunity to take 40 minute naps mid-flight, and ended up getting an average of 26 minutes of actual sleep. Their median reaction time improved by 16 percent following their naps.

Non-napping pilots, tested at a similar halfway point in the flight, experienced a 34 percent deterioration in reaction time. They also experienced 22 micro sleeps of 2-10 seconds during the last 30 minutes of the flight. The pilots who took naps experienced none.

Or consider the study that performance expert Anders Ericcson did of violinists at the Berlin Academy of Music. The best of the violinists practiced in sessions no longer than 90 minutes, and took a break in between each one. They almost never practiced more than 4 ½ hours over a day. What they instinctively understood was the law of diminishing returns. The top violinists also got an average of more than 8 hours of sleep a night, and took a 20-30 minute nap every afternoon. Over a week, they slept 16 hours more than the average American does.

When I was working, I was truly working relentlessly. When I was recharging — whether by getting something to eat, or meditating, or taking a run — I was truly refueling.

Stress isn’t the enemy in the workplace. Indeed, stress is the only means by which we can expand capacity. Just think about weightlifting. By stressing your muscles, and then recovering, you gradually build strength. Our real enemy is the absence of intermittent renewal.

Referred from :- How to Accomplish More by Doing Less

Corruption – A Symptom Not A Disease

Originally Posted in Easy To Act‘s Blog Post


Corruption is not the ultimate problem but the result of problem, the issues is more than just a corruption, it is about the output of weak governance and policies and it will only end when we solve the root of the problem.”

Corruption is mismanagement of Power And Governance at every level and if we want to defeat corruption then the transformation of governance is the only option and which will happen when we seriously consider the option of Political Change ; Means the end of era of main stream political parties & their low thinking .”

When We See our country then we find that the Corruption, visible accountable reason for every negative thing in our country .But Corruption is not the problem, there is a huge problem and that is the Approach and willingness of people on highest level toward National Interest .We can call them political People.

If We take Corruption , then the Corruption which is in front of us , is more than a corruption , it is Marketing of Black Money on Highest level. When Corruption is done by Governments then the corruption will not remain the Simple Corruption and any law can not take it down except people directly will not take action using power of democracy, by voting & by freedom of expression.

If we examine difficult issues in our country then population, Social Suffering, Economical crisis Unemployment, hard life and Human development issues are most serious issues .And Unemployment is the issues which is probably the reason of Poverty in Our Country.

Now if we go in depth of Unemployment issue then what is the percentage of Corruption responsible for Unemployment?? If someone doesn’t have work and he ready to pay money to get a job or work then generally the start of Corruption at society level is started. Now if we eliminate this process of corruption at that level then do we really end the problem???

At last Person don’t have a job .But Actually People thinks that if corruption end then some how it help to generate more jobs. But think deeply is that so??? Is that circle of Generating job is related to directly corruption or weak polices because the number of jobs are the same and also given to people of country.

There is not a problem of money in government, it is all about bad management and ineffective policies which we ignored and blame corruption for every single problem.

Weather it in that case corruption is cause or not, but at the end people doesn’t have the job.

Suppose 1000 jobs are there from the government side and 20000 people are there who wants that job .If Corruption is there then may be 500 or more job sold to people .But if there is no corruption then full 1000 job actually given to the eligible person. But at last 19000 people still without job!!!!!!
Most of the people used Corruption as their savior to reduce difficulties. Life is very tough and people want to save their time and hard work and they preferred to give money because they want work at time.

No doubt corruption is very major important issue but not the only reason of our country situation.

Now days Opposition parties in any state or in central used Corruption as the weapon to attack to the Government .Now the Politician not worry to use Corruption Word in their speech weather they himself part of corruption .

Corruption is now everywhere, in physical world and in words too.

Main Problem of Corruption is that Money come form center to state and state to local authority and in between that money lost the quantity.

And it is going on and on.

And the Worst thing is that every single Political Party or Politician and every Single Bureaucrat know that the corruption is over there and he/she either involve or ignore but about the action to end it.

Involved or ignore, two options in the hand of People who work at High Authority as well as people.

My Point is that The Willingness of Political Party to end Corruption is Zero because if they act then they will through out from the governance and some one else will come in power .

So No Political Party and Politician actually want to end the corruption at High level.

But Why???

And the answer is they are wrong people and just want to stay in power and that’s all.

So weather the corruption is their or not they are not going to give their best to help and support people.

Let’s bring some scenario in discussion.

Suppose If You are MP or MLA and you are in fear of judiciary or Law but at the same time you don’t have personal interest to work for people then what will be the out put ??

And Out Put is unsatisfactory. He/She will do nothing.

But If You are MP and MLA And you have pressure from your higher authority to do well for people then there must some possibility then you could do some better things for people and for state or for city .

And at last if you are MP and MLA And you are personally want to help and support the people and want to work for them then he/she will do the best to do so and that what we need if we really want to become developed in real manner .

And the harsh thing is that it is not going to happen if don’t focus to change political system or era .May be we will bring Lokpal Bill or else but to it can not bring the number two and three case into today governments.

If Some how Corruption is gone out from the system then the governing system & process will remain the same , in same manner , same people with same old tactics where if Political party in Center then all the time it is worry to continue the term and how establish the government in state And When party in state government then party concern how they can bend center party according to them and how they can send their politician MP in the Parliament so they can easily be the part of collation Government .

When there is no money or corruption involve then there is always the Drug of Power which is more dangerous then corruption or money .Everybody wants to be in power at any how weather the corruption is over or not but they want to be there at any how.

And the fact is that our country is full with these kind of people whose only concern is to be in Power or part of power at any cost and the serious thing is that they are in power and in politics in present Scenario and no hope that in future that they will get out from the governance until people will not take step towards new political era.

So Weather the Corruption is over there or not if People who are in authority are not the right people then there are no way that we can hope for Strong Future.

“Understand that End of the corruption will not end everything and Corruption will never end under the Present Political Environment. We Must Think About Heavy Political Change; bring the new Political Era based on nationalism.”

Who will take care of our Nation??? In Tunisia , Egypt , Algeria , Yemen and Libya people have Specific target their Leader(dictator) of the country who are dictating from several decades and people have clear target or specific demand that is “ The Democracy & Freedom & Reform “ .

The People of Arab wants democracy and power to elect the leader of country with out the fear and want the freedom of speech in the hope that may be these things will bring the new era in their country.

But what about us , we are already in democracy, we elect these leaders , we have freedom of speech and we have the system written upto date system and still we are not satisfied the who is responsible ??

And the reason is not Corruption, the reason is not Population or else the only reason is the leadership which allowed the wrong people to lead the country and our Political System is Reason Which Bring Our Constitution in Weak State.

We are unlucky that We don’t have any Husn Mubarak , Ben Ali or Gaddafi so that we can defeat them and enter in new era . We have the Whole Constitution and Political System to fight and to defeat if we really want to enter in new era.

Without reshaping the Politics and Political Sytem , We never ever Get the Future what we imagine.


So End Corruption is Just A First Step Because Ultimate Goal is To Establish The System , a Political System which able to bring right people at higher level to lead our Country and to help the shape the future .

And Right Now No Body is concerned about it and if the Scams did not come then no body is even thinking about corruption. We always failed to catch the root of problem and again doing the same because we think just A corruption is the Reason. But Corruption is just a part of failure of our Government and System: “THE CONSTITUTION “

Ultimate Enemy is Political System & leadership because it brings the wrong people to lead our country and prevent right people to do better for the country.

We can only defeat them by accepting our faults and giving new thinking a chance in politics.

Don’t ignore Politics fault in the name of corruption because it is the root of the failure.

Be Political and Support the Right People in Politics which we find when we leave the old main stream political era and choose to support the new people in politics with right approach.

Stop telling lie to ourselves and accept our fault and change the attitude and then plan to end the era of failure of Politics.

India Need Revolution and if we and you oppose the wrong political people without fear of anything, not blood or not death, then we will able to bring Revolution in Our Country.

Oppose People who are wrong and Support Right People without Hesitation without any fear. Then The Real Revolution Will Come.

People, Stop Playing double game – Decide the Side, Wrong or Right.

जय हिन्द जय भारत


Originally Posted in Easy To Act‘s Blog Post

The Power of Modern Youth

This article was originally Posted as
Youth Is Directionless But Not Irresponsible..” by ”‘s Blog


Usually I don’t write down personal incidents on my blog but series of confrontations with a few questioning minds made me to express my views through an incident that happened with me two days back. On friday morning, me and my classmates were eagerly waiting for our advertising class which is taken by a very experienced and charismatic person. For his introduction, I would just like to mention that he headed Public Relation Society of India (Delhi Chapter) and this is just a feather in his cap.

He started off the class with enormous energy as he usually does discussing the ‘publics in public relation’.While explaining further he cited the example of ‘Anna Hazare Movement’ and his first statement was-“This movement is going to die off, nothing will happen.” One or two of my friends, (who volunteered  with me at Jantar Mantar while Anna was on fast) tried to convince him that revolution starts from somewhere but their mincing words failed to do so. He put his point more strongly by making one of the volunteers to stand and asked, “What have you done for the movement since you have come back from Jantar Mantar? Did you write a single letter to editor or even a blogpost? ” The expected answer came from the boy-No!

The sir went on- “You people just create euphoria, if you want to do something start from your own home.It was just a 5 days fest and now everything is gone.” I was listening to all this and ultimately can not resist myself from raising my hand while saying, “sir, I want to say something.” He allowed me to speak and I started, ” Sir, I am connected to this movement from past six months when it started in November last year. Since then, I have written ten letters to editor those have been published in Hindustan Times. I have made the people aware of ‘JanLokpal Bill’ through a special facebook account and Google buzz.I attended the India Against Corruption rally on 30th of January at Ram Lila Maidan.I have been writing blogposts twice a month adressing such issues and I don’t think I have done anything special because I am not the only one. ” Suddenly, he stopped me and smilingly uttered, “In the language of advertising, your product has been sold. Lady you will not let this movement die and I am complimenting you.” Normally, he never gets convinced so early still I preferred to halt myself.

After few minutes, again he touched the wrong strings. ” A simple bill can not curb corruption.Nothing will happen because corruption is so deeply rooted in this country. One or two people can’t bring the change”.You can call it my stubbornness, but I raised my hand again. This time he said, “lady you can put your point but I won’t say a word.” Still I asked him, “Will you agree sir, inspiration can be positive or negative?, He moved his head in affirmation and I continued, “When last time I went for IAC, only one person followed me, but this time at Jantar Mantar, four of my classmates came along with me.Something positive inspired me to volunteer there on my birthday rather than partying with friends. But the way you are treating this issue, next time I won’t find a single person from this class to accompany me because of negative insipration. My only question is why to be so cynical?”. He didn’t say much but just smiled and said, “I am not spreading negativity, I am just motivating you people.”

Though I expressed my viewpoint but frankly speaking, I was a bit scared because I knew that my teacher is going to complain about me to my Director and I will face a tough time.In that 3 hour class, we get a break of 10 mins after one and half hour is over.In the break, he called me up and asked my name.He also asked me about my career plans and gave me some nice suggestions regarding the same.He offered me his help in case I need it in future. If I am not wrong, he was convinced!

The only point to explain the whole incident is to make the people realize that Youth can be directionless,lacks inspiration, contentious and sometimes rude but is not irresponsible. Once it gets a direction, a goal, a particular way, youth is the best asset any country can have to curb any social menace. So, please don’t distrust them rather than provide them a direction, a platform where they can voice their aspirations. I know a 18year old, modern young boy teaching small kids at a village on his birthday and filing more than 120 RTI petitions. I have seen a 19year old actively working with a NGO for the betterment of environment.And this list is endless. How can I be cynical? Let us fail, let us struggle.Even if we return with nothing we have the courage to start again. Remember, with experience you never start with ‘0’, you always start with ‘1’.If you can’t do anything for us, atleast don’t be cynical. As I always say, If you can’t talk positive, atleast be neutral rather than spreading negativity. You never know, who gets inspired from you.


This article was originally Posted as
Youth Is Directionless But Not Irresponsible..” by ”‘s Blog

The Search Continues for ” UNITY “

This article was originally Posted as
In search of UNITY in “Unity in Diversity”…..” by ”‘s Blog


Unity in diversity-since childhood I am hearing this phrase. Our teachers have always stressed upon presenting India as an epitome of “Unity in Diversity”.Up to some extent I have to believe on it. Ameliorated by sequential breezes of migrations that have become a part of life in India, this country encapsulates 24 languages and numerous dialects spoken by millions of people. This multilingual and  multicultural nation is a home to innumerous communities, groups and  religions.

I do believe in diversity this great country possesses but I am still in search of …..”Unity”. I must make it clear that just shouting in a loud unanimous voice that “We are Indians”, I don’t consider it as Unity. It is a lot more than this. I am in search of a ‘driving force’ that can unite us for a cause, purpose and for the betterment of the nation.

I saw people speaking aloud for reservations on various grounds and getting political support as well.I am not a pessimist by nature but let’s get this fact right–when was the last time they dared to say that my community/religion/group doesn’t need any “special status” just because it won’t be good for my country? Doesn’t it create a rift between the people?Shall I blame presence of diverse groups for this?  The problem is we all are selfish by nature. On one side we ask for “right to equality” and on the other side we ask for “special favors”.I must mention here that nobody ever raised voice against reservation given to war widow’s kids or the tribals living in pathetic conditions. It means , the concept of reservation shall not be completely discarded but it should be genuine.

When Egypt experienced revolution, some people talked about similar kind of revolution against corruption in India. Those people forgot that, may be Egyptian Revolution wasn’t governed by Islam but it was driven by Islam. They all shared a common link between them and we lack that common link. Religion can be extremely powerful weapon against any social or political menace, depends how we interpret and channelize it.

Such movements did start in India also but some found the “saffron robe” communal and some had problem with the poster of “Bharat Mata“. It really made me think whether the “cause” was not important enough or do we lack something? What’s the use of such diversity that stops you to do the right thing and support a well deserving cause? If a religion can bring a revolution in Egypt why doesn’t another can bring out a positive change in the society? When such movements fail, it’s not failure of One ‘Anna’ or ‘Ramdev‘, it’s our failure to stand in unity. On first place, why do we even need people like Anna and Ramdev to fight for us? Aren’t we capable enough? Yes, we are. But we lack any sort of “driving force”…Alaaassss!!!!!! Test for Unity failed again.

“Diversity” and “Secularism“are the two most misused words by Indian politicians.Somewhere they understand our weakness very well and exploit it for their vested interests.’Unity’ has been deliberately deleted from “Unity in Diversity”.They know it, no revolution can yield results and hence they are safe. Who cares till it doesn’t affect us directly in any manner? Be it corruption, be it a blast.

The truth is– Nothing unites us except CRICKET...But I kept my search on.

I have 35 students in my class and they come from 18 different states of India. We never cared about the country, patriotism, India and our responsibility towards the nation. We didn’t even blend with each other because some of us don’t understand each other’s language. A group of people abused India everyday in front of us.We ignored it once, twice, thrice but for the fourth time stood against them. Not only we started giving them an answer, we started reading about India to give them a better answer. Many of us started learning how to file RTIs. 5 or 6 of us took part in IAC movement. We planned and are at the verge of initiating a publication that will be a platform for youth and will help the school students to develop views about current happenings. That ” group” unknowingly united us and acted as a “driving force”.

My search for such a “driving force” in India is still on and I am still living in search of “Unity”…I am still living “in the vicinity of hope..”.


This article was originally Posted as
In search of UNITY in “Unity in Diversity”…..” by ”‘s Blog

Too Young To Die

This Blog Post was Posted as ” Died Too Soon “ in  The Y! Music Playlist Blog


Tragic deaths happen every day, but when someone famous dies it sends reverberations throughout the culture. In a small way, the shock of a celebrity death is good, because it makes us reflect on our mortality. Hopefully, this reflection wakes us up to the reality of how short life really is, and in turn, helps us to slow down, enjoy life and make the right decisions.

Musicians have a reputation for living on the edge, and many have paid the ultimate price.

For this playlist I have selected my top picks for musicians who died too soon. Specifically, before the age of thirty. As I looked through this completed list what amazed me most was not the tragedy of a life cut short, but the accomplishments achieved by those so young.

1. Robert Johnson
Cross Road Blues – Robert Johnson
May 8, 1911 – August 16, 1938
Age: 27
The legendary tap root of popular music, Robert Johnson, died at a cross roads near Greenwood, Mississippi. It is rumoured that he was poisoned by a jealous boyfriend or husband of a woman whom he had become involved with.

2. Eddie Cochran
Summertime Blues – Eddie Cochran
October 3, 1938 – April 17, 1960
Age: 21
Eddie Cochran was touring overseas when he got into a taxi at Chippenham, Wiltshire, England. Unfortunately, his driver was reckless and crashed into a lamp post killing Eddie after he was thrown from the vehicle. The cab driver went to jail for 6 months and lost his license for 15 years.

3. Buddy Holly
That’ll Be The Day – Buddy Holly
September 7, 1936 – February 3, 1959
Age: 22
Charles Hardin Holley, better known as “Buddy Holly” was killed in what is arguably the most famous musical tragedy in history when the Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft he was travelling in crashed. The accident was immortalized by Don McLean in the song “American Pie”.

4. Ritchie Valens 
La Bamba – Ritchie Valens
May 13, 1941 – February 3, 1959
Age: 17
Ritchies Valens is the forefather of Chicano rock and had an extremely bright future ahead of him. Unfortunately, he was on the same plane that Buddy Holly was on “the day the music died”. Also of note that day is the death of J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson” (Age: 28) who was also on the plane and known for his hit song “Chantilly Lace”.

5. Jimi Hendrix 
Castles Made Of Sand – Jimi Hendrix
November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970
Age: 27
There is some mystery around Jimi Hendrix’s death in London. He was found dead by his girlfriend when she awoke, and the official reports show that he drown in his own vomit consisting mostly of red wine. It is also said that he had taken nine of his girlfriend’s prescription sleeping pills, which may have led to his inability to awaken and save himself.

6. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Heart-Shaped Box – Nirvana
February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994
Age: 27
On March 30, 1994 Kurt Cobain arrived at a detox center in L.A., inspired by the urging of his family and friends. However, the very next day he jumped the fence and returned to Seattle. Less than two weeks later he would be found dead of a shotgun wound to the head. A suicide note was found by his body.

7. Ronnie Van Zant (Age: 29) (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Steve Gaines (Age: 28) (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Cassie Gaines (Age:29) (Lynyrd Skynyrd) 

Gimme Three Steps – Lynyrd Skynyrd
After the tragic airplane accident that took the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper, I would have to say that the next most tragic music related airplane crash would be the one that took the lives of three members of Lynyrd Skynyrd on October 20, 1977.

8. Otis Redding 
(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay – Otis Redding
September 9, 1941  – December 10, 1967
Age: 26
Otis Redding was taken from us by yet another tragic airplane crash. His Beechcraft 18 airplane crashed into Lake Manona in Wisconsin on December 10, 1967. Authorities were never able to determine the cause of the crash.

9. Randy Rhodes (Ozzy Osbourne)
Crazy Train – Ozzy Osbourne
December 6, 1956 – March 19, 1982
Age: 25
Ozzy Osbourne’s legendary and extremely talented guitarist was also taken from us in a plane crash. But this time the cause of the crash was pure stupidity. The pilot (Andrew Aycock) who had promised a safe flight (as Randy was afraid of flying) thought it would be a great idea to “buzz” the tour bus and wake the rest of the band. On the fourth attempt a wing clipped the bus and crashed killing all onboard the plane instantly. No drugs were found in Randy’s body, but the pilot tested positive for cocaine.

10. Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones)
Paint It, Black – The Rolling Stones
February 28, 1942 – July 3, 1969
Age: 27
Brian Jones was found on the bottom of the pool at his East Sussex, England home by his girlfriend Anna Wohlin. The coroner reported that his heart and liver were enlarged due to drug and alcohol abuse and listed his official cause of death as “death by misadventure”.

11. Tim Buckley 
Wings – Tim Buckley
February 14, 1947 – June 29, 1975
Age: 28
Drugs and alcohol are one of the biggest killers of musicians and Tim Buckley is one of the great talents who succumbed to them. The official cause of death is listed as “acute heroin/morphine and ethanol intoxication due to inhalation and ingestion of overdose”. Tim’s son, Jeff Buckley, was a superb talent in his own right and met an untimely death by drowning. Jeff did not make this list because he was able to reach the age of 30.

12. Chris Bell (Big Star) 
September Gurls – Big Star
January 12, 1951 – December 27, 1978
Age: 27
Chris Bell was driving his Triumph TR-6 home from his family’s restaurant in Memphis where he worked when he lost control and slammed into a light pole. He was killed instantly.

13. D. Boon (Minutemen)
This Ain’t No Picnic – Minutemen
April 1, 1958 – December 22, 1985
Age: 27
D. Boon had been sick with fever, so he was lying down in the back of his van while his girlfriend drove on route I-10 close to the California border. She ran off the road, Boon was thrown from the vehicle and was killed. Bandmate and bassist Mike Watt would go on to dedicate every post-Minuteman album he’s created to the memory of D. Boon.

14. Cliff Burton (Metallica) 
Creeping Death – Metallica
February 10, 1962 – September 27, 1986
Age: 24
Cliff Burton was asleep and riding on the tour bus with the rest of his bandmates through Sweden on a European leg of the Damage Inc.tour when the bus ran off the road and flipped. Burton was killed when he was thrown out of a window and pinned under the bus.

15.  Aaliyah
Rock Da Boat – Aaliyah
January 16, 1979 – August 25, 2001
Age: 22
The young and talented Aaliyah is yet another musician killed in a plane crash. The investigation showed that the crash, which happened shortly after takeoff in the Bahamas, was due to the plane being loaded past its weight limit and an inexperienced pilot who was not licensed for the aircraft. An autopsy also showed that the pilot had cocaine and alcohol in his system.

16. Janis Joplin
Piece Of My Heart – Janis Joplin
January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970
Age: 27
Janis Joplin looked older than her young 27 years. This was no doubt due to her hard-living rock and roll lifestyle, which included large amounts of drugs and alcohol. It caught up with her in early October, 1970. The official cause of death is listed as an overdose of heroin.

17. Jim Morrison (The Doors)
The End – The Doors
December 8, 1943 – July 3, 1971
Age: 27
Jim Morrison died in his Paris apartment. No autopsy was performed since under French law it’s not required if the medical examiner finds no evidence of foul play. The most widely held theory is that Morrison snorted a bunch of his girlfriend’s heroin thinking it was cocaine and overdosed.

18. Bradley Nowell (Sublime)
Santeria – Sublime
February 22, 1968 – May 25, 1996
Age: 28
Brad Nowell had everything to live for. A new wife and child, and a major label record deal. Just weeks before the band was to embark on a European tour in support of their major label debut, bandmate and drummer Bud Gaugh awoke to find Nowell dead of a drug overdose.

19. Hillel Slovak (Red Hot Chili Peppers) 
Freaky Styley – Red Hot Chili Peppers
April 13, 1962–June 25, 1988
Age: 26
Hillel Slovak was born in Haifa, Israel to Jewish parents who were survivors of the Holocaust. After moving to the states, Hillel blossomed into a pioneering guitarist and unfortunately, a heroin addict who tried, but failed to kick the habit. He died of a speedball overdose.

20. Chuck Wagon (The Dickies) 
Eep Opp Ork (Uh, Uh) – The Dickies
Age: 24
Born Bob Davis, Chuck Wagon was a member of the punk rock band The Dickies. He fought drug problems, but it was a broken heart after a break up with his girlfriend that led him to commit suicide with a bullet to the head.

21. Shannon Hoon (Blind Melon) 
No Rain – Blind Melon
September 26, 1967 – October 21, 1995
Age: 28
Shannon Hoon found fame in 1992 with the huge single “No Rain”. He was a drug addict well-know for bizarre behavior. In 1995, Shannon welcomed a baby girl named Nico Blue with his longtime girlfriend. This event prompted him to make an effort to get clean and he entered drug rehab. However, his effort to quit drugs failed and he overdosed on a speedball while on tour.

22. Gram Parsons 
Love Hurts – Gram Parsons
November 5, 1946 – September 19, 1973
Age: 26
Gram Parsons was a key figure in the birth of the country rock and alt-country genres. He had a great love for the Joshua Tree National Monument and this is where he overdosed on a combination of morphine and alcohol. His wish was to have his ashes spread in Joshua Tree and when his stepfather planned a private burial in New Orleans his road manager and a friend stole his body and tried to do a cremation in the desert with gasoline.

23. Hank Williams 
There’s A Tear In My Beer – Hank Williams
September 17, 1923 – January 1, 1953
Age: 29
Hank Williams is a genuine country music legend. Sadly, before leaving Knoxville for Canton, Ohio in a chauffeured Cadillac, Hank injected himself with morphine and vitamin B12. He never made it to the show in Canton. His driver found him dead when he pulled over in Oak Hill, West Virginia.

24. Ian Curtis (Joy Division) 
Love Will Tear Us Apart – Joy Division
July 15, 1956 – May 18, 1980
Age: 23
Ian Curtis was an artist and a tourtured soul. His marriage was ending after an affair, and his health was challenged due to epilepsy. In the early morning of May 18, 1980 Ian watched the Werner Herzog’s film Stroszek, listened to the Iggy Pop album The Idiot, and then hanged himself in his kitchen.

25. Nick Drake
Pink Moon – Nick Drake
June 19, 1948 – November 25, 1974
Age: 26
Nick Drake did not know fame during his lifetime. Unfortunately, his music was only really discovered on a large scale well after his death in 1974. He lived on a $20 per week record company retainer and suffered from depression. Nick died young after he overdosed on the antidepressant amitriptyline. Some think it was suicide, others think it was accidental.

26. Pete Ham (Badfinger) 
Day After Day – Badfinger
April 27, 1947 – April 24, 1975
Age: 27
Peter Ham hung himself in his garage while extremely drunk. He was not seeing any money from his work with Badfinger. His suicide note directed hatred at his business manager who had a reputation for corruption. Pete left behind a pregnant girlfriend.

27. Alan Wilson (Canned Heat) 
Going Up The Country – Canned Heat
July 4, 1943 – September 3, 1970
Age: 27
Alan Wilson had reportedly tried to commit suicide twice before his death. He died in Topanga Canyon, California of a drug overdose, and although some suspect suicide, there was no suicide note and his death was not ruled as such.

28. Sid Vicious (The Sex Pistols)
Pretty Vacant – The Sex Pistols
May 10, 1957 – February 2, 1979
Age: 21
Sid Vicious was not really an accomplished musician, and not really an accomplished person for that matter. But he is one of the most iconic punk rock celebrities in history. He was accused and arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen. Shortly afterward, he attempted suicide and was admitted to Bellevue Hospital. Sid got clean in jail, but after being released on bond he overdosed on heroin that was purchased by his mother.

29. Darby Crash (The Germs)
Manimal – The Germs
September 26, 1958– December 7, 1980
Age: 22
Darby Crash killed himself in a suicide pact with his friend Casey Cola, who survived. He died of an heroin overdose, and many believe he was driven by a quest to immortalize his name. As he lay dying, Darby tried to scrawl the words “Here Lies Darby Crash” on the wall, but was unable to finish. Unfortunately, Darby’s death was largely overshadowed at the time by the murder of John Lennon, which happened the very next day.

30. Duane Allman  (The Allman Brothers Band) 
Whipping Post – The Allman Brothers Band
November 20, 1946 – October 29, 1971
Age: 24
While in Macon, Ga on a break from touring Duane Allman was on his motorcycle when a truck stopped in an intersection. Duane could not stop in time and suffered severe injuries that led to his death several hours later. His bandmate, bassist Berry Oakley (Age: 24) died in a similar motorcycle accident with a bus just 13 months later and just three blocks away. The bandmates are buried next to each other.

31. The Notorious B.I.G.
Hypnotize – The Notorious B.I.G.
May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997
Age: 24
The Notorious B.I.G. was heavily involved with the East Coast-West Coast hip-hop feud of the 1990s. The New York rapper was in L.A. shooting a music video to support the release of the best-selling double album Life After Death when he was gunned down in a drive-by shooting. The murder has not been solved although there are plenty of theories to choose from.

32. Tupac Shakur
California Love – 2Pac
June 16, 1971 – September 13, 1996
Age: 25
After attending the Mike Tyson / Bruce Seldon boxing match at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Tupac Shakur and his entourage got into an altercation with a known member of the Crips gang. Later that night, as he rode with Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight, a car pulled up next to them and fired about a dozen rounds. Tupac was hit four times and although there was hope he could survive the gunshot wounds (as he had previously) he died a few days later.

May they all rest in peace and thanks for the music.


This Blog Post was Posted as ” Died Too Soon “ in  The Y! Music Playlist Blog