The Open Source of Hovering Ideas

Posts tagged “Metal

Rock v/s Metal

Hiee Guys !!

It’s been quite a lot of time since I’ve posted my last Art Blog Post. Well kinda busy in office works, so hardly get any time to post here actively. Hover, I am still trying to balance between my brand new office life and my good ole creative life. The fight is still going on between them for setting priorities and making commitments.

Anyways, I’m back to blogging because I’ve got something to showcase over here. 😉

Well, you all know about my passion and addiction for Rock and Metal Music through my previous posts. I don’t wanna get into the details, just simply and check out my “The Big 4” Artwork. You’ll get plenty of idea and besides, I am kinda busy, you see.  😛

Moving on, I’ve simply sketched an Electric Guitar on the White Board, using Temporary White Board Markers. Making something interesting on this guitar, I’ve included an Angel wing (representing Rock music) and a Devil wing (representing Metal music). Since I like my artwork to look complete on Board with no white spaces left, I’ve written the names of some my favorite Rock bands (in Blue Color) and Metal bands (in Red Color) in the background. Well the Angel Wings and Blue colored Rock Band names defines the softness and serenity of Rock Music, while the Devil Wing and Red colored Metal Band names personifies the hardness and extremity of Metal Music.

With this idea of Rock-Metal Duality in mind, the masterpiece was made. Take a look fellas !!


DAMN !! It took me around almost 2-3 days to complete this artwork during the Lunch or Free time in my Office. Finally, the hard work and patience really paid off. Moreover, some of my colleagues liked it very well.  I’m feeling glad that I could resume my sketching hobby during the hectic office hours also. However, a lot a Board Markers were used to make this thing happen. Hopefully, my Boss won’t be mad. Fingers Crossed. 😛

And by the way, it has been an amazing 3 months experience so far in my office. I’ll tell you the complete story some another day. Besides, There are plenty of artworks made during my college days, which have not been posted here yet. I will post them as soon as possible.

So Fellas !! Stay Connected. Stay Updated.

Hopefully, y’all have like this piece of work and don’t forget to post you reviews.


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches



The Metalhead Switch

Metalhead Pose

Metalhead Pose

The Rocking Poster

Heyy Guys !!

This Week our College is celebrating The Annual Inter-College Cultural Festival called “Moksha” with Bollywood Theme, dedicating a tribute to 100 Years of Indian Cinema.

While taking a look on archives of my college memories  I discovered some pics of my poster artworks when I was working as a member in the Fine Arts Department during this particular Fest 2 years back. I was working under the guidance of Shivang Gupta and Arshia Gupta, who were really amazing in Fine Arts especially in Painting. Since they know about my passion for Rock Music and Graffiti Artwork during participation in the previous fest, I was therefore assigned to create a poster for the Rock Night Event called “Avalanche”.

Regarding this theme, I came up with my own idea and started drawing a Rough Pencil Sketch on A4 Sheet before making the Big Artwork. I ‘ve made an Electric Guitar at the center having a White Angel and Dark Bat wings on either sides, depicting the both sides (Good Heaven and Evil Hell) of Rock Music. I’ve also made two Large Speakers behind that guitar, setting them on fire and two Rocking Fists on the edges. It tool me about an hour to thin and draw the rough sketch. Now I show this sketch to my senior mentors, they really found really nice and creative (though they laughed a little at first which made me nervous).

And then, I started to make it on a full size Cartidge Sheet. Now I had to sketch my whole idea even more detailed. Plus, I also had to write the name of that event in some Calligraphy (appearing to be some what heavy) at the bottom of my artwork.

After 4 hours of hard work and dedication, the Final picture came like the way I expected.

Rocking Poster for College Fest

Rocking Poster for College Fest

Well that was one of my best moments when I contributed something for my College during this fest. I enjoyed my time in Fine Arts Work with some nice inspiring seniors, who became my good friends soon. But there are some of my batchmates who taunted me, “Tu Fine Arts Hi Karr” (“You could only do Fine Arts”). But I didn’t bother about the comments from those creepy losers as I am not impressing them for their pleasure sake. Plus, Haters could only be just jealous and talk shit. In the end, I had some fun those days and will be having so in the future.


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches



Music Rebels

Rebels.. Then and Now

Rebels.. Then and Now


Musical Pipebomb


Woah !! Woah !! Woah !! Woah !!
What a bunch of Smartass singers we’ve got
Flo Rida : “Can you Blow my Whistle Baby !!”
Katy Perry : “I wanna see your Peacock !!”
Can’t these fuckers simply say straight
that they all want sex anywhere and anytime ?
Atleast, AKON has little guts to say something. 😛
#Musical Pipebomb


Lady Gaga + Marilyn Manson = Maria Brink
That is still acceptable and digestible Fusion.
But, KISS + Motley Crue = Black Veil Brides
You’ve just crossed the line, Sucking Posers.
#Musical Pipebomb 😛


That’s our MTV Network .. Genius as always !!
Banned Megadeth’s “À Tout le Monde” Music Video in ’94
Thinking that it is all about pro-suicide and depression
But can continue to telecast more “Jersey Shore” seasons
Ignoring those numerous complaints and protests. 😛 😛
#Musical Pipebomb



Grammy Pipebombs


Genius Grammy Awards
Nominates Iron Maiden‘s 13 year old song
this year in heavy packed Hard Rock/Metal Category
Nominates Katy Perry‘s extended bullshit album
for consecutive 3 years in Mainstream Pop Category


In the Rock/Metal World, Legends like Anthrax 
The Least Popular among The BIG 4 Bands of Thrash Metal
Came back after 8 Years, releasing Worship Music in 2011
which became the Best Rock Album of Year 2011-12,
highly acclaimed and praised by the millions worldwide
though screwed by those sellout Kerrang! and Revolver Awards.
Well this year, Grammy Award still appreciated their work
but let it compete against the other Great ones in Hard Rock/Metal Industry
just because, they had only 1 damn award to honor the complete culture.

Meanwhile, In the Pop Mainstream World, Katy Perry ..
One of the Highly Overrated Talentless Hacks of this Era
Makes a shitty album Teenage Dream in 2010
Selling every single and still Extending this shit
Ties the Record of highest Billboard Single Hits with R.I.P Michael Jackson
And above all, Grammy Award still appreciates her work
nominating consecutively for 3 years with other Hyped ones.
just because, there are plenty of awards to honor the mainstream culture.

Artists Killed the Music
Music Killed the Society
Society killed the Grammys


Musical Pipebombs


In the Rock/Metal World, Legends like Anthrax 
The Least Popular among The BIG 4 Bands of Thrash Metal 
Came back after 8 Years, releasing Worship Music in 2011
which became the Best Rock Album of Year 2011-12,
highly acclaimed and praised by the millions worldwide
though screwed by those sellout Kerrang! and Revolver Awards.
Well this year, Grammy Award still appreciated their work
but let it compete against the other Great ones in Hard Rock/Metal Industry
just because, they had only 1 damn award to honor the complete culture.

Meanwhile, In the Pop Mainstream WorldKaty Perry ..
One of the Highly Overrated Talentless Hacks of this Era
Makes a shitty album Teenage Dream in 2010
Selling every single and still Extending this shit
Ties the Record of highest Billboard Single Hits with R.I.P Michael Jackson
And above all, Grammy Award still appreciates her work
nominating consecutively for 3 years with other Hyped ones.
just because, there are plenty of awards to honor the mainstream culture.

Artists Killed the Music
Music Killed the Society
Society killed the Grammys
#Musical Pipebomb


Woah !! Woah !! Woah !! Woah !!
What a bunch of Smartass singers we’ve got
Flo Rida : “Can you Blow my Whistle Baby !!”
Katy Perry : “I wanna see your Peacock !!”
Can’t these fuckers simply say straight
that they all want sex anywhere and anytime ?
Atleast, AKON has little guts to say something. 😛
#Musical Pipebomb


Lady Gaga + Marilyn Manson = Maria Brink
That is still acceptable and digestible Fusion.
But, KISS Motley Crue = Black Veil Brides
You’ve just crossed the line, Sucking Posers.
#Musical Pipebomb 😛


The Big Four Artwork

Hi Guys !!

Welcome to my very first art post of this very New Year of 2013.

As most of you guys know about The Big Four Bands of Thrash Metal. They have rocked the whole world for 30 years and still running wild. Plus, they are one of my Favorite Bands of all time, which makes me to dedicate my piece of art as a fan tribute for all the experiences in my life.

This post was supposed to be pressed on the last Sunday of 2012. Actually, I’ve skipped last week completely due to busy participation in the movement of Justice in Delhi Gangrape Case. But anyways, I’m resuming my work schedule again from the beginning of this auspicious new year.

Well, You all have witnessed all my previous artworks based on the above mentioned theme. I have already made the logos of these amazing Thrash Metal bands. Now as I’ve promised to y’all since the beginning of December 2012, it’s time to showcase the big one. Really, A Big One !! 🙂

To being with, I’ve simply made the official logo of “The Big 4” with HB pencil on an A4 Sheet and cut it out in a Guitar Pick shape. Take a look around fellas. 😉


‘The Big 4’ Guitar Pick

Kinda simple, isn’t it huh ? 😛 But there is the final surprise below, collaborated with earlier artworks and therefore,  compiling into a Metal Thrashing Masterpiece. \m/

'The Big 4' Compiled Art

‘The Big 4’ Compiled Art

Thanks for stopping by so far in my blog and supporting me, for witnessing my Ultimate Tribute to “The Big 4 of Thrash Metal”. There will be plenty of surprises coming soon here. I can’t assure the exact time of my upcoming blog posts. But I can assure y’all an extreme dose of excitement and delight after watching them, like you’re probably having right now.  


\m/ HORNS UP \m/



This artwork  has been posted in Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches
